Basic 2



After that we must understand about the knock to the drum. In the game of the drum was gotten by 4 types of the general knock was used among them:

1/4 - 1/8 - 1/16 - 1/32

In a manner the theory could be explained as follows:
  • 1/4 meant in 1 bar to be gotten by 4 blow times/knock
  • 1/8 meant in 1 bar to be gotten by 8 blow times/knock
  • 1/16 meant in 1 bar to be gotten by 16 blow times/knock
  • 1/32 meant in 1 bar to be gotten by 32 blow times/knock

The picture below was gotten by each one 2 bars

Train this blow by using the two hands in a changing manner (right left right left) and to guard our time in order to stay constant we could use help metronome, began from the time/the slow knock (60 rpm) after skilled we could increase his speed totalling 5rpm. was like this henceforth until you could achieve the limit maximal you.
